Print At(1,Dpeek(Max_line_adr%)+1);Inv$;String$(80,32);Chr$(13);" Line ";Str$(K%);" of ";Str$(Top%-1);". Continue Searching? (Any Key but <N> or <n>) ";Norm$;
' check the key message
Exit if Cnt%=78 Or Cnt%=110
' mark a new place and continue...
Exit if Cnt%=78 Or Cnt%=110
Add K%,1
Until K%>Top%
' calculate lines searched
' this is for the reverse search, just the same but backwards
Print At(1,Dpeek(Max_line_adr%)+1);Inv$;String$(80,32);Chr$(13);" Line ";Str$(K%);" of ";Str$(Top%-1);". Continue Searching? (Any Key but <N> or <n>) ";Norm$;
Exit if Cnt%=78 Or Cnt%=110
' notice that this isn't really backward; it searches forward
' INSIDE each LINE, then the line is decremented to continue searching
' forward through the previous line, going forward backwards... humm